Saturday, June 27, 2020

Keep In Touch II

Robert Palmer:

"Keep your lines open, say what's new".

My earlier projections have only been proven partially accurate, as of late June, 2020.

Neither over or under shot, I'd thought.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Corona Extra's

I'm writing here amidst the 2020 global crisis that is 'Covid-19".
While i never saw the virus, met anyone with it, experienced it's symptoms (and hope never to), I am gobsmacked by the severity of it's wake.

But relief is washing over me in an awesome way. Somehow i'm one of the last men standing, subsidized by a partnership in business that will see through the test of this icy climate.

No agoraphobia to test the tides, just luck that I happen to pick the right straw when this deal came through last year, and saw it through some moments of doubt.

Thanks all. I'm thinking of you.