"Wha' type of shit is this" Fong snapped upon entering the room
"Oh, Tea's never seen 'Chef'" Dan rolled over in the couch, he had bits of popcorn, morning cereal and wrappers clinging to his belly.
"The ' fuck is up with the couch, it looks like a dump? And this movie?!" Fong seemed a bit shook
"What? It's cool, he won't take shit from the owner!" Tea came to the pop fiction's defense.
If you've still not seen the cinema verite "Chef". There will be some spoilers here...
"Oh cmon', get real. The chef is a total beta the whole first half of the flick" Fong barked
"Yeah! its a movie, that's how shit always goes down. Hero grows balls half way through!" Dan moaned from the sofa.
"This guy's biggest problem is his owner wants him to stick to a menu? Gimme' a fucking break" Fong started pointing at John Favreau's head while he pranced lovingly in front of his pre-teen lovechild, while John LeGuizzamo provided some legitimacy on set.
"You think anyone with more than a decade's experience would realize that a job like that is hypothetically high profile. They'd take note of their age, market value, and overall BMI. Chef's not getting any younger here....you think that'd be the time to jack in a job on Melrose?" Fong moved from the throat.
"No, but look he's obviously got some savings, some infrastructure. How do you think he affords a stagecoah to make cubanos?" Tea brought the obvious to light
"Let me tell you something, in 2020, there was more than thirty-percent unemployment in hospitality thanks to animatronics, sensors, and tablets alone!" Fong chuckled
"If and only if, anyone with that job was going to leave a position paying more thank sixty-kay a year just so they could cook Cuban fusion on a bus with his son, he'd also been a day trader in a former life, and had a separate penthouse in Manhattan where his crew was holding tasting menus weekly, and a catering business run by Venezuelan refugees he smuggled across in beer kegs."
"Well cmon, it's a family flick" Dan waved, his back facing the hi-def.
"Exactly, family. There's no family out there like Sofia Vergara's that would somehow let this dude go on a cross crountry rampage with some sando's" Fong had reached the peak
"Sofia wouldnt be anywhere near that dude in real life" Dan spewed
"Exactly, Chef would be on defense most of his life after forty here. Sofia would be the main reason he'd keep the job, keep kissing up to his boss, and renegotiate his salary next year." Fong snorted
"Oh gosh, way to be the realist" Tea rolled her eyes in her skull. "Fine, let's watch Bagger Vance."