Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Stretch

 At this point of the game, an alarm didn't feel necessary. Cless felt the excitement of a new work environment in his every thought, and naturally, in his sleep. 

Cless slept like a bag of rocks most nights, the chilled night air flowing in through a north facing window. Gentle humming from the adjacent airport lulled the night. There was a purple haze he could see from where he lay.

Cless' dad had always been a stickler for sleeping in. He warned his son of a future where slumber would be far from grasp. Cless felt no qualms about the subject. He never felt the need to beat the sunrise to the door. Without a roommate, a mentor, any sign of what he would consider senior supervision, there would be as much sleep as he could wanted.

Somewhere near the eight-o-clock hour, Cless would natural rise to the morning. His agenda around the house would revolve around just warming up to the environments. Some low-level ambient music would suffice, as he scrolled through his phone, showered up, and began his move towards the nearby urbanization.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

This is presence.

Without prior knowledge of failure, what could you expect?

So I have no plan to begin experiencing these affects, now.
All I can write here for sure is that my gratitude of the wave of unsolicited grace.

 I've seen nothing but divine intervention so far. Why would it stop SUDDENLY?

Friday, May 21, 2021

So youre' ready.

More and more I noticed that even these lightweight offerings bring about huge events.
In short, I've been constantly, consistently delivered. 

From Fukushima to San Francisco (2010-2020) there been nothing like it. 

 Now, I give another hearty thanks to what's unfolded. I appreciate the lesson here, and rest nightly knowing that the wind has blown hard into my sail.

In all things, the spirit , and body of CHRIS have prevailed. 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Keep In Touch II

Robert Palmer:

"Keep your lines open, say what's new".

My earlier projections have only been proven partially accurate, as of late June, 2020.

Neither over or under shot, I'd thought.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Corona Extra's

I'm writing here amidst the 2020 global crisis that is 'Covid-19".
While i never saw the virus, met anyone with it, experienced it's symptoms (and hope never to), I am gobsmacked by the severity of it's wake.

But relief is washing over me in an awesome way. Somehow i'm one of the last men standing, subsidized by a partnership in business that will see through the test of this icy climate.

No agoraphobia to test the tides, just luck that I happen to pick the right straw when this deal came through last year, and saw it through some moments of doubt.

Thanks all. I'm thinking of you.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

A numbers game

"Look it's cool if you crash here. I'm going to be over at Susan's most of the week. Do me a favor though try and keep quiet, my sister sleeps in this room." Joseph pointed to the door adjacent to his

"Alright, word. Done." Cless could only agree to keep the peace.

"I have to go. Time is money, you know." Joseph left a seltzer on the dresser. "Make yourself at home, kinda." He bunked off for the twenty mile drive South.

"Promise I won't get too familiar." Cless wrapped up the meeting.

To get across town by noon, he'd have to leave in the next thirty minutes. But he reaked from the minimal air travel. What could be done with the immediate aparatus other than shower, a swish, and a comb?

The muni ride inbound was cool enough to fit in a few selfies. Checking the gumline, hairline, eyeline.

Cless made it into a cafe not far off the path towards his destination deep in the Mission . Avoiding the immediate urge to shit from the double pull, he made it to his second interview of the week with five minutes to spare, in fact the owner of the restaurant was nowhere to be seen.

He knocked out a five by ten spreadsheet, hypothetical "P and L" for a fictictious year's input, including the salaries for fake managment, level one employees, costs for goods sold, and insurances. "Can't hurt to be a little pre-emptive," He mentioned to the passing waitstaff as she folded napkins and reset the nearby seating.

Nearly twenty minutes into the appointment, Morten Shipler made his entrance. With a nearly one-hundred pound sheepdog in towe, he sat up front.  "Hey, you're early" he shot figner pistols.

"Let's take a walk, check out the grounds. Did you have coffee?" Morten cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm still jittery, thanks." Cless held up his hand visibly shaking.

"Suit yourself. Hehehe." The two took to the stairs leading to a sprawling tiled floor outfitted with wooden butcher blocks, cabinets, stainless steel counters and overhead shelving. "This here's prep, as you can tell. We've got five people up here full time, between lunch ,and dinner. That's everytthing, veggies, pasta, pigs, and some bread production, standard." The propietor meant not to brag. The operation was impressrive, and the staff seemed vibrant.

"So, let's get down to the cafe and chat." Shipler led the way

"This is  nice, your company certainly has been around for a while" Cless felt his nose turn brown.

"Yes, it's all been very steady, I mean you can understand a fairly simple Italocentric operation, and how approachable that is by the public." Morten said.

"...and probably how cost effective those materials are" Cless said

"well most of them, you know what gets us is the labor". Morten said

"That's where we might have something more rich to discuess". Cless drew the pad from his satchel."Take a look at this..."

Cless hit play on the video he had on hand. On his device he ran the playback on on the arm.

"This is AA-101b, its an animatronic arm of sorts. I Can move it from this device with only a few swipes of my thumb. It runs on an AC input and also has some batteries. Ive got two of them back at Celes right now, and these arms run the plancha for almost 50 fish nightly."

The video revealed some late footaage of the arms swinging back and forth between mise en place, pieces of sole, fillets of salmon, and chunky tuna steaks. The arms would periodically sweep back with an underhand motion to move the fish over. They would subsequently press the surface of the fish to evenly brown and crisp the fillets. By the 4:00 minute mark, the fish had been swept on to adjacent service trays, lined with toweling to drain. The video would cut to footage of the fillets being bisected, examined, and critiqued by Cless's voice and another female voice.

"Woooaa. Now that seems new" Morten's face showed a fresh cointenance, one not reminescent of your basic interview.  "I'm glad you came by".

"Oh yeah, of course. I thought you might appreciate these. So let's get down to it". Cless opened another adjacent folder to reveal a small sheet revealing some color blocked contracts.

"Look these over."

"No that's fine, how soon can i get a pair of these robots on the plancha downstairs?" Morten went for it

"You can have these two , they've been in use for the last month for these video tests. Or you can wait until i finish the next pair, it will be about another month." Cless offered.

"Ok, then it's settled, i'll wait" Morten clapped his hands together.

"Deal. Let's go get a drink. The bar looks intense ". Cless suggested.

"Yeahwe've got this kumquat and buddha hand mojito, it's pretty nuts, pretty fresh." Morten tucked his cahir in.

"Actually I as hoping you'd let me try some of the Zepphorstram gin in a 'G and T" " Cless jestured

"What? sure , try it in the kumquat drink, that gin is awesome". Morten hastened

How goood he though, to be in the presence of just a little more class than he had witnessed only hours earlier.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Slang teacher

"Wha' type of shit is this" Fong snapped upon entering the room
"Oh, Tea's never seen 'Chef'" Dan rolled over in the couch, he had bits of popcorn, morning cereal and wrappers clinging to his belly.

"The ' fuck is up with the couch, it looks like a dump? And this movie?!" Fong seemed a bit shook
"What? It's cool, he won't take shit from the owner!" Tea came to the pop fiction's defense.

If you've still not seen the cinema verite "Chef". There will be some spoilers here...

"Oh cmon', get real. The chef is a total beta the whole first half of the flick" Fong barked
"Yeah! its a movie, that's how shit always goes down. Hero grows balls half way through!" Dan moaned from the sofa.

"This guy's biggest problem is his owner wants him to stick to a menu? Gimme' a fucking break" Fong started pointing at John Favreau's head while he pranced lovingly in front of his pre-teen lovechild, while John LeGuizzamo provided some legitimacy on set.

"You think anyone with more than a decade's experience would realize that a job like that is hypothetically high profile. They'd  take note of their age, market value, and overall BMI. Chef's not getting any younger think that'd be the time to jack in a job on Melrose?" Fong moved from the throat.

"No, but look he's obviously got some savings, some infrastructure. How do you think he affords a stagecoah to make cubanos?" Tea brought the obvious to light

"Let me tell you something, in 2020, there was more than thirty-percent unemployment in hospitality thanks to animatronics, sensors, and tablets alone!" Fong chuckled

"If and only if, anyone with that job was going to leave a position paying more thank sixty-kay a year just so they could cook Cuban fusion on a bus with his son,  he'd also been a day trader in a former life, and had a separate penthouse in Manhattan where his crew was holding tasting menus weekly, and a catering business run by Venezuelan refugees he smuggled across in beer kegs."

"Well cmon, it's a family flick" Dan waved, his back facing the hi-def.

"Exactly, family. There's no family out there like Sofia Vergara's that would somehow let this dude go on a cross crountry rampage with some sando's" Fong had reached the peak

"Sofia wouldnt be anywhere near that dude in real life" Dan spewed

"Exactly, Chef would be on defense most of his life after forty here. Sofia would be the main reason he'd keep the job, keep kissing up to his boss, and renegotiate his salary next year." Fong snorted

"Oh gosh, way to be the realist" Tea rolled her eyes in her skull. "Fine, let's watch Bagger Vance."